Today I am going to talk about a famous activist, Martin Luther King Jr. I chose to talk about him since I admire his fight, and I think he deserves to be remembered.

Who was Martin Luther King Jr?

Martin Luther Kikng Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in the U.S. He had 4 children and was married to Coretta Scott. Martin was an american baptist minister and activist, who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1954 until his assassination in 1968.

What did he do?

From a very young age, Martin was aware of the social and racial segregation that black people in his country were living in. After completing his studies, he became the pastor of a church in Alabama. It was there that he became involved in the civil rights movement. He started fighting for the civil rights of African Americans, using peaceful methods, inspired by the figure of Mahatma Gandhi and Henry David, the same sources that inspired Nelson Mandela´s fight against Aparthaid.

How were the protests? It had an impact?

Of course, Martin´s first successful movement was in 1956, lasting 382 days, where black people began walking miles to their jobs,causing losses to transportation companies; and then the US Supreme Court abolished racial segregation on buses. Martin went on to organise more campaigns for blacks civils rights, and in 1960, he was able to liberate black people´s access to public parks, libraries, and lunch counters. In 1963 his struggle reached one of its culminating moments, when he led the march on Washington, which brought together 250,000 people, where he gave his important speach "I have a dream", discrabing a society where blacks and whites could live peacefully, And finally, in 1964, the Civil Right Act was passed, guaranteeig the long-awaited equality between blacks and whites.

His death

His fight had a tragic end, when he was shot and killed while supporting a strike of garbage workers. He died on April 4th, 1968 at the age of 39.

Trabalho realizado por: Eduarda Rosa


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